St Michael’s is in the centre of the market town of Ledbury, and is its beauty is perhaps best appreciated by an approach on foot up the picturesque Church Street

A detailed Guide Book is on sale in the church – here are a few highlights to look out for:
The Heaton Memorial Window
Dating from 1991, this window in the north aisle by John Clark is a dramatic interpretation of “The Benedicite”, a Biblical poem which speaks of all creation praising God. Look for details such as the Mothers’ Union badge, the cricket bat and ball and the family pets that link the window to Arthur and Biddy Heaton’s interests. Both a postcard and a leaflet explaining the work in detail
are available on the Bookstall in the church.

Two Paintings of the Last Supper
Perhaps the more obvious of these is on the East wall of the Church behind the altar. It was painted in 1824 by a Ledbury artist, Thomas Ballard, a copy of the copy of Leonardo’s famous Milan fresco which is owned by the Royal Academy. The Royal Academy copy is interesting in that it pre-dates the subsequent sad deterioration in Leonardo’s original fresco. The painting shows the moment at the Last Supper when Jesus tells his disciples that one of them would betray him. The eagle-eyed will notice a certain artistic license in the Malvernesque outline to the hills behind…

The second Last Supper is on the North wall of the church, high up to the left of the main entrance. Long unappreciated, it was recently the subject of painstaking restoration and research by Ronald Moore and is now believed to be the product of Titian’s workshop. Ronald Moore’s book on the subject is on sale in the church.

Porthole Windows
These unusual windows, high up on the walls of the chancel would originally have been external windows before the side chapel roofs were raised to their present height. In the days before most windows were of glass, these openings would have let plenty of light into the chancel, especially as the inner splayed walls would have been whitewashed. At the same time, very little rain would have been able to find its way into the chancel.

Memorial Stones on the floors
Over 200 memorial (ledger) stones cover the floors of the church, giving a fascinating insight into the lives and occupations of Ledbury residents in the past. It is by no means only the wealthy who are recorded here – many tradesmen have a memorial stone. Ledbury must have been a healthy place – those who survived the illnesses which so often killed small children often lived to a ripe old age. The stones are mostly of Welsh slate, the hardness of which has contributed to their good state of preservation.
The Skynner family tomb
On the right hand wall of the sanctuary, this 17th century monument records the lives of Edward and Elizabeth Skynner, who both lived into their 80s. Elizabeth is wearing a hat that would not disgrace someone attending a wedding today! Their baby, who died young, is shown between their kneeling figures, and their five sons and five daughters who survived to adulthood are below. Edward was one of a group of wealthy clothiers who between them are responsible for building many of the fine houses of Ledbury.
Tapestry kneelers and cushions
A major project during the 1980s provided the pews with an outstanding collection of tapestry kneelers and cushions, including this one to be seen in one of the Churchwardens’ stalls. Don’t miss the stalls of the chancel where the individually chosen designs of choirmen of the time and cushions showing some famous buildings of Ledbury can be seen.