What Christians Believe

The Good News of the Love of God

Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian, nor does trying hard to be nice.
It’s a matter of the heart and the mind.
According to Jesus, His followers aren’t people who are perfect, but are people who have discovered the joy, fulfilment satisfaction and challenge of knowing Him personally.

For the world is full of people who haven’t found what they’re looking for.
There’s something missing. A restless feeling inside.
The Bible tells us that the missing piece is God Himself, who made us
to know Him and love Him.

Knowing about Jesus simply isn’t enough. Trying to be good won’t get us there. When we read God’s Word, the Bible, we come face-to-face with the claims Jesus made about Himself. Most importantly, Jesus says He’s the Son of God –
with authority over each one of us – and we need to consider how we
are going to respond.

Jesus teaches that real satisfaction and purpose come when we put Him
at the centre of our lives. God isn’t hiding from us, needing to be persuaded t
o love us. He is the one who reaches out to us, calls us to come to Him
and find fullness of life.

In the Bible, Jesus makes this offer to all of us:
‘I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,
I will come in and eat with him’
(Revelation 3:20, the Bible).

The separation between us and God can be ended when we understand
that Jesus came on a rescue mission to save us,
to bridge the gap between us and God the Father by paying the ultimate price: giving His own innocent life for us on the Cross.